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Library Services for Students

Accessing CSM Library Resources Remotely

All current CSM students and faculty have access to all of the CSM Library's online resources from on- and off-campus. Use your OneLogin credentials (same username and password as your Canvas account) to access library resources from off-campus:

When accessing a secure CSM Library resource you will be prompted to login with your OneLogin account. Look for the blue OneLogin button and use your credentials (same as Canvas) to log-in:

SMCCD Students, Faculty, & Staff OneLogin screen

The library's new catalog and discovery service OneSearch also provides access to CSM Library's online resources. When using OneSearch select the SMCCD login option and proceed to log-in to OneLogin with your Canvas credentials:

OneSearch login screen with SMCCD Students, Faculty, & Staff highlighted

If you have any trouble accessing the library's resources please use the chat box on this page to chat with a librarian or contact a librarian through the Connect page.