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Persuasive Essays

Writing Your Thesis

Once you've chosen a topic and done some initial background research, you will want to write your thesis which clearly states your point, and the argument you will be making for the rest of your paper.

According to the OWL at Purdue, a thesis:

  1. Should be specific—it should cover only what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific evidence.
  2. Usually appears at the end of the first paragraph of a paper.
  3. May change as you write, so you may need to revise your thesis statement to reflect exactly what you have discussed in the paper.

Understanding your argument will make the next steps of the process (outlining and research) much easier to organize and manage as it will help give you a clear idea of the path you want to take in your essay.


Tools for Writing your Thesis

In addition to visiting the CSM Writing Center to get one-on-one help developing your thesis, these resources can help you develop your thesis statement: