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COMM 130 Research Guide (Love - Spring 2024)


COMM 130 Research Guide (Love - Spring 2024)

Welcome to your research guide for this course. I am the librarian working with your professor this semester. I've created this research guide to support your assignments. Please check the Canvas library module for information about how to reach the CSM librarians for research help.

Objectives for this guide:

  • Provide links to helpful library resources
  • Share a strategy you can use for evaluating resources
  • Provide a tutorial on how to use databases effectively
  • Provide help with APA citations

I'm here to answer your questions and help with your research for this essay and any other assignments you have.

Library Hours

SPRING 2024 Hours


January 16 - May 24

Day Time
Monday - Thursday 8 am - 7 pm
Friday 8 am - 3 pm
Saturday 10 am - 2 pm
Sundays & Holidays Closed


Staffing issues due to COVID-19 might affect the Library's open hours. Please callchat, or check our social media for unscheduled changes to Library hours.

Chat with a Librarian

Check your Canvas page for a link to the days and times of my office hours. If you need immediate help, use our chat feature. Librarians are ready to help during all of our open hours.