As a CSM student you are able to sign up for a free account where you can read and access New York Times content without hitting the paywall.
Follow the steps here and watch the video below to set-up your account. If you already have a CSM student account, then great! You're ahead of the game!
- Make sure you're logged out of any other account you may have. If you're still logged in when you try to create your new account, it won't work.
- Go to the CSM Library website and under the Find menu select News Sources.
- Choose on-campus or off-campus depending on where you're creating your account from.
- Follow the steps for set-up.
- Note that you will need to use an email address that you have NOT used to register for the before. You can use your account if you have used to it register for any account in the past, otherwise choose a different email address with no affiliation.
- Your account will be registered for at least one year. After one year if you are still enrolled at CSM you can renew it.