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CSM Library Instruction

Information to make a request for information literacy instruction in a course setting or a campus group setting

Options for Instruction

Face-to-Face Classes

in-person classesLibrarians teach various kinds of instruction sessions - the most common session is a faculty requested session to support research assignments. Below are some specific examples.

Online or Hybrid Classes

online classesCollege of San Mateo librarians can provide information literacy instruction for online or hybrid classes in synchronous and asynchronous modes of delivery. For online or hybrid courses here are some synchronous options:

Other Learning Support Resources from the CSM Library

supporting resourcesClass-based instruction can also include the development of learning objects (instructional videos, research guides (aka LibGuides), handouts, etc.) that support the learning objectives of a specific course in a semester. To request learning support resources from the CSM Library, fill out this form.

Additional Information

  • Library instruction sessions require two weeks advance booking.
  • Sessions can be scheduled any time the library is open, or, by special arrangement, after hours when the library is closed based on librarian availability.
  • Instructors are required to accompany their class, due to minimum qualification requirements.
  • If you are unable to attend the session, you may make arrangements with your dean for a substitute instructor to attend in your place. If an instructor or substitute fails to accompany their class, we are required to cancel the session.