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Online Teaching Resources for Faculty

Streaming Videos from the CSM Library

CSM Library subscribes to several Streaming Video services that allows users to watch films either linked to or embedded in the online classroom:

  • Films On Demand: A collection of several thousand academic films and series including many PBS documentaries and shows including Frontline, NOVA, and the works of Ken Burns, as well as select HBO produced content.
  • Kanopy: A small collection of films for CSM courses based on required viewing from instructor syllabi. Please note that our library subscription to Kanopy may have different content and access than your public library Kanopy. We encourage all faculty and students to get local public library cards to take advantage of these additional resources.
  • Swank: A collection of 100 films for CSM courses based on required viewing from instructor syllabi.
  • Alexander Street: Featured collections are Dance in Video, volume 1 and the Ruth Fulton Benedict Papers and also includes individual film title selections from syllabi for CSM courses.

The library cannot acquire streaming content outside of our approved streaming platforms. If you have a required film from your syllabus that you would like the library to acquire please complete the electronic reserves form. If you have questions about sharing and embedding content or if you or your students are having access trouble please contact a librarian.

Sharing Films in Your Classroom

Online classrooms: Library licensing rights allow for in-person classroom viewing. Services like Zoom may block video and audio of the Library's streaming films because licensing does not permit digital broadcasting. For this reason the Library recommends embedding streaming films in your online classroom that students can access directly, or sharing links to streaming content (see below).

In-person classrooms: If you experience any trouble broadcasting CSM Library streaming media in-person in your CSM classroom try using a hard-wired device (i.e.HDMI cable to your laptop) rather than Crestron AirDrop or other casting platform. If you're still having issues contact ITS to come to your classroom for troubleshooting assistance.

Sharing Films in Your Online Classroom

Embedding CSM Library Films

Use the instructions and screenshots in the tabs above to copy the URLs, links, and embedded code to use CSM Library streaming films in your Canvas courses. Students off-campus will be directed to log-in to the library's resources using the OneLogin account (same username and password as Canvas) and will be able to access the content. See off-campus access info for details.

Library licensing rights allow for in-person classroom viewing. Services like Zoom may block video and audio of the Library's streaming films because licensing does not permit digital broadcasting.

If you experience any trouble broadcasting CSM Library streaming media in-person in your CSM classroom try using a hard-wired device (i.e.HDMI cable to your laptop) rather than Crestron AirDrop or other casting platform. If you're still having issues contact ITS for assistance.


Log-in to your faculty account in Swank (this is a Swank account separate from your OneLogin account). Select the SWANK film you would like to link to and use the controls in the lower right corner to copy the URL (copy direct link) or HTML code (copy LMS link):

  • Sample URL (direct link):
  • Sample HTML code (LMS link) to create an active link in your class: <a href=''>Watch Do the Right Thing</a>
  • Sample embed code: Swank does not offering embedding at this time

Select the Films on Demand film you would like to link to and use the controls below the film to select Share. In the pop-up box select Embed/Link to get the URL (Record URL) and select the video size for your embed code (Embed Code):

Screenshot of Films on Demand streaming service

Screenshot of Films on Demand pop-up sharing box

  • Sample URL (Record URL):
  • Sample embed code: <iframe height='530' frameborder='0' style='border:1px solid #ddd;' width='660' src='' allowfullscreen allow="encrypted-media">&nbsp;</iframe>

Select the Alexander Street film you would like to link to and use the controls below the film to select Embed/Link. In the pop-up box select the Permanent link to get the URL or Embed code to embed the film in your course:

Screenshot of Alexander Street item record

Screenshot of embed URL detail

  • Sample URL:
  • Sample embed code: <iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="470" height="390" allowfullscreen allow ="encrypted-media *;"></iframe>
  • Alexander Street also allows users to create clips of films. Learn more about creating clips to share with your class.

Select the Kanopy film you would like use and select the Share button. Share will provide you with the URL for the film, and Embed will provide you with the HTML code to embed it in your class:

Screenshot of Kanopy streaming services

  • Sample URL:
  • Sample embed code: <iframe allow='encrypted-media;' width='640' height='390' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe>

Open Access/Free Films Online