In the summer of 1966, 39 students joined a new program at College of San Mateo that promised better resources for students of color. At the time, College of San Mateo was a well-respected vocational-technical campus serving more than 17,000 students, but it was not a diverse campus. To change that, CSM created the College Readiness Program, providing financial aid, tutoring and expanded outreach to help students achieve their educational goals. Those 39 students had no idea they were about to become the model for the Community College Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS), a statewide program created by the state legislature in 1969. Born out of the Civil Rights Movement, EOPS is considered by many to be the original equity and student success program in California Community Colleges. EOPS provides academic, financial, and personal support for low income students whose educational and socio-economic backgrounds might otherwise prevent them from successfully attaining their educational goals. “EOPS is a program that engages our students holistically. Beyond the tangible support services, EOPS provides safe communal space and practices that are rooted in critical consciousness, community building and student empowerment. Through the triumphs, leadership and advocacy of our students, the EOPS legacy continues strong,” says Patrice Reed-Fort, CSM’s coordinator and counselor of EOPS/CARE and CalWORKs.
(Schedule of Classes 2019 Front Page: EOPS Celebrates 50-Year Anniversary)
First page of a report of CSM by Betty Kaupp, Barney Woods and George Wallace (Chairman) circa 1968:
CRP circa 1960s
Photos from CSMs Digital Photo Archives
CRP 9 Proposal for Changes 1968:
Above: Robert (Bob) Hoover, Director of CRP
Below: An Open Letter from Bob Hoover (Nov 1, 1968):
Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) and Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) at College of San Mateo are committed to providing access to higher education for individuals challenged by academic and socioeconomic barriers.
EOPS/CARE strives to provide an environment that nurtures, engages, and reflects a diverse "family" of participants. By offering eligible students comprehensive support services that are academically and socially enriching, the staff and counselors seek to empower students to realize their full human potential.
The Multicultural Center and Dream Center (MCCDC) is a safe haven for underrepresented students in college settings. Rooted in social justice, activism, and community empowerment, the MCCDC provides a safe space for students to implement change in their communities.
The MCCDC a student-run center open to serve all students, regardless of background. The program's emphasis is the recruitment and sustained enrollment of students who seek to continue their educational opportunities while improving language skills and overcoming social and/or economic disadvantages.
The MCCDC serves numerous communities including AB540/Undocumented communities, LGBTQIA+ Communities, English as a Second Language Students, Current and Former Foster Youth.
The San Matean Newspaper. March 1, 1968.
Cobra Brown Culture. Confederation of Brown Race for Action
(pamphlet circa 1970s)
Latin American Student Organization. Latin Independence Celebration
The San Matean. September 20, 1991
Lat Culture Spotlighted. Celebration of Semana de la Raza
The San Matean. May 15, 1992
1967 50 People from CSM Join 60,000 in Vietnam War Protest March
The San Matean
1966 Symposium on Vietnam. Speaker, Science Professor Christian Bay
The San Matean
1965 Student Protester
The San Matean
1965 Student v CSM President
The San Matean
1965 Vietnam Blood Drive Protest
The San Matean
1965 Protest Collage
The San Matean
1966 Debate about the Vietnam War, Racism, etc.
The San Matean
1966 Matt Regan sitting in the fountain to call attention to the judicial council elections.
The San Matean
1968 Student Strike
The San Matean
1975 Protest for Childcare on Campus
The San Matean
1976 Black Students Boycott to Support Ethnic Studies
The San Matean
State Wide Fee Hikes Protested at Rally
The San Matean. March 19, 1993.