CSM Maker Competencies are based on Maker Competencies/Maker Literacies at University of Texas, Arlington.
1a. Recognize unmet needs and inaccessible situations that might be solved by making
1b. Tinker and hack to learn how things are made and how they work
1c. Isolate a specific, manageable issue to focus on
1d. Evaluate the costs and benefits of making and/or upcycling as an alternative to buying or hiring
2a. Define an idea, question, and/or problem
2b. Break an idea, question, and/or problem into its constituent parts for closer analysis
2c. Investigate how others have approached similar situations
2d. Question assumptions
2e. Brainstorm a variety of solutions and pursue the most promising
3a. Seek training, information, and necessary certifications when planning to work with dangerous equipment and materials
3b. Wear personal protective gear when appropriate
3c. Reinforce safety precautions with others
3d. Accustom self with location-specific emergency procedures, egress and disaster plans
3e. Transfer safety principles covered in training to real-world contexts
4a. Research various equipment and materials to determine limitations and suitability for specific applications
4b. Consider environmental sustainability/impact when making, including upcycling and recycling materials
4c. Determine the most ideal tools, materials, and method(s) of creation (physical, digital, and rhetorical) for the project
4d. Secure access to the necessary tools, materials, and space/facilities
4e. Investigate alternatives when a desired tool or material is not available or is too resource intensive
4f. Fabricate necessary tools, reimagine material choices, develop alternate workflows, and/or revise project scope when tools or materials are not feasible
5a. Specify measurable criteria for a successful prototype vs desired finished product
5b. Divide design into individual components to facilitate testing
5c. Take intelligent risks, use trial and error, and learn from failures
5d. Test measurable criteria to determine whether creation meets needs
5e. Gather prototype feedback and input from stakeholders and mentors
5f. Revise and modify prototype design over multiple iterations
6a. Specify actionable and measurable project goals and requirements
6b. Utilize time management and project management tools
6c. Outline project milestones, including sequential action items and anticipating time for multiple prototype iterations
6d. Work effectively within project constraints, be they financial, material, spatial, and/or temporal
7a. Gauge the costs & benefits of “Doing-it-Yourself” (DIY) or “Doing-it-Together” (DIT)
7b. Recognize opportunities to collaborate with others who provide diverse experiences and perspectives
7c. Recruit team members with diverse skills appropriate for specific project requirements
7d. Join a team where one’s skills are sought and valued
7e. Listen and communicate attentively to learn from and with others
7f. Follow through on commitments and contribute to culture of accountability
8a. Restate technical and maker jargon for the layperson
8b. Document steps clearly with sufficient detail for others to follow and replicate workflows
8c. Use version control to manage project outputs and documentation
8d. Preserve project outputs and documentation for long-term access
9a. Teach skills and share insights with other makers
9b. Recognize and cultivate transferrable skills
9c. Transfer knowledge, skills, and methods of inquiry across disciplines and activities
9d. Familiarize self with skillsets of others
9e. Connect those seeking to learn something with those who have relevant experience
10a. scrutinize the ethical implications of making
10b. demonstrate an understanding of intellectual property rights and protections
10c. weigh the costs & benefits of seeking intellectual property protections v. making project outputs open and freely available to others
10d. examine the potential viability of both proprietary and open source systems to adopt/adapt
10e. respect the intellectual property rights of other makers
Tutorial 01 for Arduino: Getting Acquainted with Arduino
Jeremy Bloom